Supreme Court Sąd Najwyższy

Przejdź do nawigacji mobilnej

Communications on election cases

A list of at least 1,000 citizens supporting the formation of an election committee shall be attached to the notification on the formation of the election committee intending to submit candidates for senators

6 September 2023

NSW 12/23

I NSW 13/23

On 5 September 2023, the Supreme Court resolved two complaints filed by election committees against the resolutions of the National Electoral Commission (PKW) on the refusal to accept the notification of their formation in the elections to the Senate of the Republic of Poland, scheduled for 15 October 2023.

The Supreme Court dismissed the filed complaints for failure to attach a list of at least 1,000 signatures of citizens with the right to elect to the Sejm supporting the formation of an election committee. 

The Supreme Court emphasised that pursuant to Article 258 of the Act of 5 January 2011 - Electoral Code (EC), the provisions of its Section III "Elections to the Sejm" shall apply accordingly in matters not provided for in its Section IV "Elections to the Senate". Therefore, pursuant to Article 204 (7)(3) in conjunction with Article 258 of the EC, a list of at least 1,000 citizens supporting the formation of an election committee shall be attached to the notice of the formation of the election committee intending to submit candidates for senators. The list must include their first names, surnames, residence addresses, PESEL numbers, and the date of their support, as well as the handwritten signatures of the citizens. Moreover, the Supreme Court pointed out that the extension of the time limit for the collection of signatures for the formation of an election committee is inadmissible.

The entity providing information:
the Supreme Court
Information published by:
Truszczyńska Karolina
Time of publication:
4 October 2023, 15:37